AppFinder. I have used the original sources of vi.exe (are included)as a starting point for AppFinder. So some things such as the setting of the window size are somewhat strange, but left overs from vi.exe which I didn't change yet. AppFinder in principle works as follows: three hidden listboxes are created, one to list just all drives, these drives are put on AppFinder's menu and can be used to change drives. the other two listboxes are filled with only directories and filenames resp., this way was very simple to determine whether a file or dir was selected (dir if currentselection is < DirCount, file otherwise). Then all drives and file are displayed with an icon and dir/file name. (if there are more items then can be listed in the window, the window is filled and a scrollbar is displayed). When the user selected an icon, the position of the mouse is used to calculted which icon is clicked, and together with a possible scrollbar offset, the selected filenumber (between 0 - FileCount) is calculted. if selection is < Dircount a directory is selected, when the user double clicks the current dir is set to this dir, and the dir&file listboxes are updated and displayed agian. If selection > Dircount a file was selected, and on doubleclick this file or it's associated executable is launched. Or this file is used as dropfile. That's basically all. Bugs: -The scrollbar can not always be scrolled to the bottom. -No special icon is displayed for the windows directory. -the check for the dos directory ( and also for the windows and windows system dir) is not waterproof. -the current path is not set as windowcaption on startup. -the sysfoldr.ico is not the first icon in the *.rc file -can not the detect the difference between a dos exe file and a windows exe without an icon resource. Suggestions: - change the color of the folder icon (I liked light blue, but I have a B&W monitor, so it became grey ) - highlight not only the text on selection, but also the icon. - add icons or bmp's to the drive characters. (are included) - change the [dir] to dir, but printed in bolditalic. I had originally the idea to make somehting like the Mac Finder or the NDW: a caption and menu screen wide at the top of the monitor, and drive icons on the side of the screen. Then from these drive icons multiple instances of a modified AppFinder could launched, and files&dirs could be dragged&dropped from one instance to another, and files launched from the instances. The main menu could provide some basic file i/0 options, but to make life easy provide a way that users could easily add their own favarite utilities to this main menu. This way an user could built it's own favorite and powerful shell, and I should have to write all these additions like, file search, diskcopy, screen blanker etc... But the idea you mailed to make AppFinder more like an "icon showing" filemanager is also not a bad idea. As I handle things to you, you should determine which way you like to develop AppFinder. Good Luck, geert